This was a shot at Canyon Lake. Folks brought in their boats and even their trailers through narrow, winding roads to enjoy this lake. This was another time when our nose met our back end going around the hairpin curves. It was really beautiful but I couldn't stop and take pictures---no shoulder. You will have to trust me that the rocks were red, green, rust, and tan. Cacti everywhere.

Tortilla Flats---they sell tinkets, ice cream and burgers.

Mountains, mountains, and more mountains

Another view at Tortilla Flats

These ladies decorated the rest room at Tortilla Flats. I thought they warranted being shown to the world.

Ron is such a good sport. He poses for all the "funny stuff" and never blinks an eye. This was on the porch at Tortilla Flats just before we turned around and came back home. We had run out of "paved road" and didn't think it was a good idea to travel in the mountains on gravel. More adventures later from your Happy Travelers.
Hello happy travelers! Great scenery as always and you're right, dad is a good sport! We just got back from Callaway Gardens, I took some flower pictures just for you. Love ya!