Well folks, we made it to New Mexico yesterday. Tuesday night in Oklahoma, the winds whipped us around. By about 4:30 a.m., I felt like a James Bond martini, "shaken but not stirred". We decided to get up and get on the road since sleep was impossible. So as the sun came up, we waved goodbye and headed for Texas. The winds continued to roar. We were in some hilly country---flat in places but hills in the distance. When we passed Oklahoma City, the landscape got flatter. By Texas, real flat. The highway improved and the winds died down. Amarillo was a pleasant stopover. We met a guy from California headed east. He had lots of stories to tell. We enjoyed his company while floating in the indoor pool. Thursday morning, we were up and on the road headed for Tijeras, New Mexico---a longer trip than we had originally anticipated. New Mexico's landscape changed to mesas---hilly mountains with a crew cut---flat on top. We are actually in the mountains about 12 miles east of Albuquerque. The picture is our view from our trailer. Up close, the mountains are very rocky with scrubby vegetation. They have been experiencing a draught in this area and have had less than 2 inches of rain since January. Therefore, no camp fires or even charcoal grilling is allowed. We have a ton of information/brochures to go through to plan the next week's activities.
Two exciting things happened this morning. Number one, I found my little box of jewelry that I thought I had left in Georgia at the hotel. It made me cry. It's not like I had anything expensive but what I did have had a lot of sentimental value. I felt like the shepherd who had found his lost lamb. Joy--relief---thankfulness,,,,big time graditude.
Number two, I gave Ron his allergy injection. A very nice nurse in Georgia gave me some lessons because we have been having a heck of a time finding a medical facility that would give him his injections. So I did it----I popped him and there was no blood. Hooray!!! I did it!!!
Let's keep traveling--hang with me and rejoice. As it says in the Bible, "This is the day the Lord hath made; let us rejoice and be glad in it"
Yahoo! The jewelry box was found, you popped dad in a good way, and you're in a new place, all is good:)
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that you found your jewelry box!
ReplyDeleteIf you ever need relief, I'll be happy to "pop" Ron for you. :-)
I love New Mexico. When you go to Santa Fe you will have to add a little bauble or two to your jewelry collection. By all means get to White Sands and sled down the dunes. Make sure someone captures that on video.
And by the way, where are the videos? I love your pictures but it is now time to start uploading some videos too.
Have a wonderful time!
We are going out tomorrow and I'll be sure to take the video camera. Nana