Monday, April 11, 2011

Baby Bird and Hubby make a new nest

This lovely couple has just closed on a 4 bedroom, 2 car garage home on a culdusac with a nice wooded lot. We are so proud of them both.

A little brotherly/sisterly time while unloading the moving van.
Their property has a variety of azaleas, dogwood trees, etc. but this particular azalea is such a rich color.
Kitchen - different angle
Kitchen counter
These are new french doors to the patio which is huge with a built in table and a rope two seater swing.
These are the living room book shelves. That middle space looks like it would hold a lovely desk.

That's my girl...loads of energy and ready to make their place a real home.


  1. They look great, Linda. Thanks for posting them for me. The Kitchen is laid out exatly the same as our kitchen in our first home in Connecticut. Looking at it brought back a flood of wonderful memories of our first home. I can't waitt to see it all.

  2. You are the cutest! Somehow I just saw this! Love the recap:)

  3. Love, love, love it! Can't wait to see it in person. I love the title of this post by the way! So sweet :)
