There must have been a car show going on in the area. This is one of the fine specium that stopped when we did.
This is the Visitors Center at Shiloh National Park where one of the bloodiest battles of the Civil War was fought.
One of the many lovely oak trees on the lawn of the Visitors Center.
This is a recreation of the original Shiloh Church.
The new Shiloh Church (Methodist)-- took them nearly 30 years to complete this building because of the lack of funds.
An interesting fact, these are the graves of the Union soldiers. All the soldiers were buried in mass graves. The Union came back and reburied their dead in this cemetry. The Southern soldiers remained in the mass graves.
We came into Memphis on a Friday morning to visit Mud Island. You park and take a monorail over to the island. It has a place for concerts and a large museum dedicated to the Mississippi, paddle boats and such. These are a few pics of the sky line and buildings in the area.
This bridge over the Mississippi connects Memphis with Arkansas.
This is a replica of the Mightly Mississippi. Children actually wade in the water. Made me miss my little people.
A couple of guys associated with Memphis and the Mississippi---Elvis and Mark Twain.
Tuesday, we head out to Nashville. Monday we visit with dear friends in Jackson, TN that we met last year while we were both visiting Arizona. More later from your very hot, but very Happy Travelers.
I would like to visit Shiloh again someday-- just not when it is 100 degrees plus. Maybe a nice fall or early spring trip. The pictures are great. Looks like that new camera is doing a great job.