Before we left, we got to celebrate a couple of birthdays for two of our 5 grandchildren. What a fun cake...good old Sponge Bob.
My Zackary will be 5 on May 20. He definitely has stolen my heart. Gives me the best kisses ----all over my face, neck, eyes, nose, ears, forehead, it!
Our Cooper was 2 on May 1st. What a package of joy.
We had the opportunity to have brunch with my dear brother and his wife, as well as their two little balls of fur, Nina and Lexi. What cuties! Well friends, we hit the road tomorrow to see what we can see. More later from your very happy travelers. Know that we carry all of you in our hearts and prayers
This blog has been idle too long! While we will all miss you (or at least be wishing that we could be there with you), we are happy to see you doing what you love to do. I can't wait to travel along with you via the blog. Your pictures and blog entries are wonderful.