Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Heritage Trail and its Quilt of Flower Gardens

The Welcome Center in Elkhart, IN had a very interesting display and advertisement for the Heritage Trail and its quilt of flower gardens. It was about a 90 mile around trip if you took in all of the gardens and murials. It spanned the area of Elkhart including Warsaw, Goshen, Middlebury, a good bit of Northern Indiana. The first picture is the quilt murial on the front of the Visitors' Center and the next two are a couple of the gardens we got to see. It is at the end of the season so the flowers are getting a bit shaggy. It is another sight that is more beautiful and I am able to capture.

Our next stop will be outside of Vincennes, IN, homeland of the other Happy Traveler's parents (actually it is Monroe City, a small town outside of Vincennes). More later from your Happy Travelers as they wing their way back to Virginia.

1 comment:

  1. Great talking to the Happy Travelers today! Can't wait for Thanksgiving to get here, so I'll actually get to see YOU TWO!
